Less than half of the nearly 28,000 people experiencing homelessness in the Bay Area have reliable access to the internet, making it harder for them to find and access the services they need.
ShelterTech is a technology-focused nonprofit organization making it easier for this community to connect with resources that can help them address their challenges.
Access to the internet and technology makes it possible for people to find a job, human services, and contact family and friends.

Get involved

Multiple volunteers working at a datathon.
Volunteers make our work possible. There are several ways to support our mission. Learn more and get involved.
We work with companies, nonprofits, and local governments to connect the community. Reach out to us.
Our programs are largely funded by donations from people who care about bridging the digital divide. Support ShelterTech today.

Our programs

Image of ShelterTech booth with 4 volunteers smiling.
Through partnerships with the City of San Francisco and Cisco, residents can use free wifi and hardware at shelters and transitional housing facilities.
Image of the back of two people sitting where the woman on the left is pointing to the monitor of a Macbook as the man observes.
SF Service Guide
Anyone with access to a smartphone, tablet, or computer can utilize this online directory of human services provided in San Francisco.
Image of ShelterTech community member smiling.
Community Development
We depend on Community Representatives to inform our work from their lived experiences and rely on volunteers to continuously updated the resources we develop.
Our Impact
Over 1,600 people have daily internet access in local shelters and resource centers, thanks to ShelterTech and partner organizations.
What Our Partners Say

Partners and sponsors

Logo of Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development organization.
Logo of Justice and Diversity Center of The Bar Association of San Francisco organization.
Logo of Our 415 online public service directory organization.
Logo of Compass Family Services.
Logo of Larkin Street Youth Services nonprofit organization.
Logo of Eviction Defense Collaborative.
Logo of Homeownership education and opportunity
Logo of Benetech nonprofit organization.
Logo of Cisco Systems networking hardware company.
Logo of Code Tenderloin.
Logo of monkeybrains.
Logo of PagerDuty computer software company.
Logo of Bridge.
Logo of wework.
Logo of Professional Computer Support.
Logo of Uber Technologies Inc. company.
Logo of Code for San Francisco.
Logo of GSMA.
Logo of UCSF Acute Care Innovation Center.
ShelterConnect Spotlight
Mission Hotel
We recently reached a major milestone. The biggest SRO in San Francisco now provides free wifi and hardware to hundreds of people.