Donate today

Your support will address digital inequity for an under-resourced community that does not have access to the internet and essential digital services.

Why give to ShelterTech?

  • Our work depends on regular contributions from donors like you.
  • People experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity will have access to free internet and essential digital services.
  • We serve over 1,600 users on a daily basis and we’re always working to grow our network and deepen its capabilities.
  • These funds provide our advisory Community Representatives a stipend for their work.
  • Our organization is built on the belief that everyone has the right to connectivity.

Your impact

  • $40 will go to a single Community Representative for their time conducting a Datathon event.
  • $150 connects a bed to wifi for five years.
  • $200 to $300 pays for up to seven Community Representatives’ time for a either a research or Datathon event.
  • $500 covers hosting an entire Datathon, which provides food for all volunteers and Community Representatives.
ShelterConnect Spotlight
Mission Hotel
We recently reached a major milestone. The biggest SRO in San Francisco now provides free wifi and hardware to hundreds of people.